The nervous system is composed of organs mainly the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and ganglia. This system is responsible for controlling and regulating all mental functions. Any issue that arises in the nervous system leads to a neurological disorder.
The term “Neurological Disorder” is not restricted to a single disorder. It is an aggregate of multiple diseases. There are numerous diagnosed neurological disorders, some are usual and some infrequent.
The reason behind neurological disorders can vary from person to person it can be genetic disorders, lifestyle, or environmental health problems including brain damage, spinal cord injury, or nerve injury.
Understanding the symptoms of such disorders helps you diagnose them and you can proceed with the treatment as early as possible.

Headache is much more dangerous than we people think, especially when it occurs repeatedly and suddenly. The most common cause of headaches is due to stress, anxiety, or depression. You are more likely to face it when you skip meals, work too much, or don’t get enough sleep.
There are two categories of headaches -
1: Primary Headache :
Primary headache is the most common type which is not caused by anatomic, inflammatory, psychological disabilities, or infections. It is a sign of an illness or other condition underneath.-
- Migraine, tension, and cluster headache are part of the primary headache
2: Secondary Headache
Secondary Headache is another type of headache that affects the pain-sensitive areas in the neck and head. These headaches are the warning signals for a major serious condition. It includes –-
- Head injury, sinus congestion, brain tumor, and medication overuse are some examples of secondary headaches.
Headache symptoms that require immediate care –
- High blood pressure
- Sudden loss of balance
- Paralysis
- Fever
Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s Disease is a degenerative condition of the nervous system that mainly affects coordination. This disease has currently no cure, however, there are numerous treatment options available. Generally, it starts affecting people of age nearly 60, and symptoms slowly get worse over time.
In most cases, your doctors manage to control symptoms and relieve pain through effective medications.
Common symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are –
- Speech changes
- Stiff face
- Reduce smell
- Muscle stiffness
- Constipation
A Stroke happens when a portion of the brain’s blood supply is unexpectedly cut off or when a brain blood vessel breaks, leaking blood into the gaps around brain cells. Brain cells expire when the blood supply of oxygen and nutrients stops or when there is an unexpected bleed into or near the brain.
You can lower your stroke risk by exercising 30 minutes every day, and by following a healthy diet with more fruits and vegetables and less processed foods.
These lifestyle modifications help you to reduce the risk factor of stroke
Symptoms of Stroke include –
- Balance difficulties
- Face weakness
- Vision changes
- Confusion, trouble
- speaking and
- understanding
- Severe headache
ALS: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
A relatively uncommon neuromuscular ailment that damages the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. ALS is also named as Lou Gehrig’s disease. Although doctors are unaware of the precise origin of ALS, genetics and environmental factors are thought to play a role.
By the time a patient sees a neuromuscular expert and receives the proper diagnosis, there has typically been a one-year average delay in diagnosis for this ailment.
There is no known cure, but there are some physiotherapies available, and it’s important to begin them as soon as possible.
Symptoms of ALS include –
- Difficulty in breathing
- Muscle weakness
- Slurred speech
- Tight and stiff muscles
A seizure is a sudden uncommon electrical activity in the brain. It might pass almost unnoticed. It can disrupt your emotions, actions, behavior, and level of consciousness.
Or, in more severe cases, it can result in violent shaking fits. Typically, seizures start suddenly. They might range in length and severity. You may experience seizures only once or often.
If they run repeatedly, it may be another seizure problem that is “Epilepsy”. Less than 1 out of 10 individuals who experience seizures develop Epilepsy.
Epilepsy surgery, which involves eliminating the seizure focus in the brain, may be used as a treatment. The majority of seizure disorders are treatable with medications, yet seizure control can still have a big influence on your everyday life. The good news is that you may consult with your physiotherapist to find a balance between drug side effects and seizure management.
The most common symptoms include –
- High fever
- Lack of sleep
- Alcohol abuse or withdrawal
- Low blood sodium
- Jerking movement of arms and legs
A set of symptoms that substantially impair memory, reasoning, and social skills are referred to as “Dementia” when they significantly interfere with day-to-day functioning. Although there isn’t one particular illness that causes Dementia.
Memory loss is a common symptom, but alone it does not necessarily indicate dementia, even though it is frequently one of the first symptoms of illness.
People with intellectual and developmental disabilities can also develop dementia, and it can be particularly challenging to identify its signs. Some medications and therapies help cure the symptoms of Dementia
Common symptoms of dementia include –
- Memory loss
- Difficulty in handling
- complex tasks
- Poor judgments
- Sudden change in behavior
- Problems with language
Vital Physiotherapy Clinic offers neurological physiotherapy in Surrey, BC. It is important to get medical treatment for a nerve issue as soon as possible. Our treatment plans are unique and mainly focused to improve cardiovascular movement, strength, coordination, and balance.
The various conditions treated by our experts are spinal cord injury, stroke, multiple sclerosis, motor neuron disease, head injury, and many more. At Vital Physiotherapy in Surrey, patients are getting peace of mind and relief from their pain.